The Survismeter is a R4M4> laboratory instrument for measuring physicochemical properties (PCPs) of liquid solutions during interactions, where R4M4 stands for Reduce Reuse Recycle Redesign–Multipurpose Multitasking Multitracking and Multifaceted. The Survismeter is a relatively recent facility for measurement of physicochemical properties of a liquid mixture, with the benefits of averting technical glitches associated with prevailing alternatives. The device is intellectually protected via Singapore patent and is being commercialized by Borosil Glasswares Ltd. The device works on an environmentally friendly approach that not only skips the hard and fast requirements of sophisticated resources, time, skilled manpower and infrastructure but also presents a cost-effective, simplistic and hazard-free approach for physicochemical studies on liquid mixtures. It is an intrinsic device for simultaneous measurement of surface tension, viscosity, interfacial tension, wetting coefficient and friccohesity. The last amongst these, friccohesity is the only parameter accessing a conversion of cohesive forces (CF) into frictional forces (FF), as interaction identifiers.