The green revolution brought amazing effects in the production of food and grains, but with inadequate concern for agricultural sustainability. The accessibility and extensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, based on fossil fuel for future agriculture system needs, would result in adverse effects on human health, further loss in soil health, possibility of ground-water contamination, destroyed beneficial microorganisms and eco-friendly insects, made the crop more susceptible to diseases, calculated burden on the fiscal system, and loss of ecological balance. In this context, biofertilizers and biopesticides are gaining importance because these are environment-friendly and are helping in the practice of sustainable agriculture. These biofertilizers work symbiotically with plants which encourage the plant growth by increasing nutrient supply to the plant, ensure their proper growth and development, regulation in their physiology, and also helpful in retention of soil fertility. These include Nitrogen (N2) fixing microorganism, Phosphate solubilizing microorganism, Phosphate mobilizing microorganism, and plant growth-promoting microorganism. Similarly, the use of chemical pesticides may lead to genetic manipulation in plant population, food poisoning, and some other health issues and have made the biopesticides to come in the picture which might reduce the use of these chemical-based pesticides.320