This chapter provides an overview of the types of cooperation between educators and parents in early childhood education and care (ECEC) seen in Germany from an intercultural, power-sensitive, and power-critical perspective. The theoretical framework is based on key concepts of intercultural education. This includes acknowledgement and acceptance of diversity, family cultures and plurilingualism, 1 aspects of biographical relevance, and families’ social living environment. The chapter then continues with an overview of research on the participation and quality in ECEC, educational concepts held by parents and the perspectives of parents and ECEC professionals on plurilingualism and language education. Next, two research projects featuring cooperation between educators and parents will be presented. The results show that the institutions implemented actions influenced by taking an intercultural perspective, such as valuing a child’s home languages and contributing to their plurilingual development through parental cooperation. Also considered are organisational and team development, as well as the orientation towards the local community. The final section offers a summary and outlines research needs in this field.