The defining feature of all sea lilies is their stalks, which extend their head (calyx) and arms above the seabed. Their tall stature allows them to filter-feed in the higher currents found just above the seabed. The species has a strikingly scarlet-coloured stalked crinoid. This benthic species lives at depths of >1000 m. The Feather Stars grows up to 300 mm. It has 31–120 feathery arms, which are usually held up into the water in order to trap the food. The mouth is on the upper side of the small disc-like body, among the arms. The arms have numerous finger-like appendages known as pinnules. The colour of this species is quite variable, ranging from yellow to brown and purple. At the beginning of their life, these feather stars stay attached to the seabed by a stalk, while mature specimen break the stalk and become free-living. It inhabits exposed coral heads with strong currents, at a depth of 0–50 m.