The magnitude of the changes we are living through makes us think that we are passing through a major paradigm shift. The conjunction of globalization and the technological revolution constitutes a phenomenon that has caused a violent disruption in the previous social system. Beyond the beneficial and developmental effects globalization and new technologies have brought, I believe the phenomena I will be exploring here are some of the ways in which catastrophic effects produced by globalization and new technologies become manifest in their ability to stimulate mankind´s most primitive phantasies, anxieties, emotions and defences. Such primitive mental-social states are deeply present in these times, and despite their high cost of suffering, they are not sufficiently acknowledged. I propose a way of seeing some social global phenomena such as financial bubbles, corruption, terrorism and refugees in the European landscape in the light of several Kleinian-Bionian concepts from psychoanalysis: catastrophic change, unconscious phantasy, manic reparation, psychic retreats, death constellation, and nameless dread, to name a few.