The musical instruments used by the Negritos are neither very numerous nor very complicated, but are, nevertheless, not without interest. A small variety of Jew’s harp is a favourite musical instrument with the Semang, though it is, of course, not used as an accompaniment. The only other musical instruments noted were bamboo flutes and a pair of “stampers” of the same material. The latter were very large and gave out quite a musical note when struck on the ground. Schebesta has disappointingly little to say about musical instruments in his book on the Negritos. Of Negrito singing one may say that it is generally melodious; quite the reverse of that of the Malays. Among the Kensieu Negritos of Siong Skeat was present at a Negrito choral dance with females as the chief performers. Annandale witnessed a male Negrito dance at Grik, this being in honour of the wild areca palm.