Reports of the rebels’ strength and the unsettled state of the country south of Lincolnshire poured in upon Richard Cromwell. Lord Clinton had been despatched to the Midlands with letters missive summoning the gentlemen to keep order in their own neighbourhoods and to raise men for the King, who were to meet the Earl of Shrewsbury at Nottingham on Monday. The news of the herald’s success was sent to Suffolk, and he wrote to the King asking for instructions. He was expecting to effect a junction with Shrewsbury on the following Monday. On Friday 13 October the last of the insurgents dispersed. They despatched the bailly of Barton to Beverley—the last messenger from the Lincolnshire host—to countermand Kyme’s message. By the next day, Saturday 14 October, Lancaster Herald was with the King, and the news from Lincolnshire must have been generally known.