By applying the law of the numbers, we know that there are nZ, streams of order


Fig. 3.17 : Theoretical watersheds with different confluence ratios and their hydrographs (based on Chow, 1988).

By definition, n: 1. Therefore, the total length of the streams of order Z is expressed as:


This makes it easy to determine the total length of the drainage network Ltot from

the sum of the lengths of the streams of orders 1 through ::


This last total again represents a geometric series of ratio (RB /RL) -1, with a first

term order (RBRL) :1 and the nth term equal to one. The sum of this series is thus:


If RBRL1 and : tends to infinity, then the series converges and the total length of the network tends towards:


However, in most cases, this series diverges, and the sum we are trying to find tends towards infinity because : tends to infinity. This gives us:


We also know that the average length of 1st order streams is equal to:


With some manipulation of these last two equations, we obtain the following relationship:


This relationship fits the definition of a law of scale as defined by Mandelbrot (Mandelbrot, 1995; Mandelbrot, 1997). Basically, two quantities are linked by a law

of scale if there is an exponent H such as A BH, or more generally AaBH4. In the case of Equation 3.30, this gives us


This result underscores the fractal nature of the drainage network.