Anemia can be defined as a condition whereby the total mass of erythrocytes in a given individual is reduced to a level that is inadequate to sustain the normal, active life of the subject. The occurrence of anemia is hematologically recognized by the demonstration of a decrease in one or more of the following parameters, the erythrocyte count, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration of the blood. The evaluation of the morphology of the erythrocytes in an anemia is typically accomplished by a microscopic examination of a Wright’s-stained dry film smear of blood. Conversely, a verifiable anemia can also develop in circumstances where the hemopoietic marrow is incapable of sustaining a normal effective level of activity and a deficit in erythrocytes ensues. A typical nonregenerative anemia is likely to have a low reticulocyte count, mirroring a lowered rate of generation erythrocytes by the bone marrow.