Robert A. Patzner (Salzburg, 1945) is professor of Marine Biology at the University of Salzburg in Austria since 1981. His earlier work focused on the reproduction of hagfi sh (Myxinoidea) that included year-long research experiences in both Norway and Japan (University of Tokyo). Later work dealt with the reproduction of Mediterranean blennies and included several short stays at marine biological stations in Italy, France and Croatia. In recent years his research addressed the ecology of small benthic fi shes – gobies and blennies – as well as limnology. He has published several hundred papers in scientifi c journals and some books, e.g. on Mediterranean fi shes and invertebrates, methods for teaching marine biology and in 2009 “Th e Biology of Blennies”. As a high school teacher at the University of Salzburg in marine biology and limnology he guided student excursions to diff erent places of the Mediterranean, North Sea, Red Sea and Papua New Guinea. He is an underwater photographer and collaborator of FishBase. More details can be found at: https://www.uni-salzburg.at/orgbiol/robert.patzner.