Currently there are 5 species in the eastern Pacifi c and 7 in the western Atlantic. The Pacific species reside on rock reefs with 4 (T. digueti, T. inornatus, T. limbaughi, T. nesiotes) of the 5 engaging in cleaning behavior (Th omson et al., 2000). Th e western Atlantic species occupy a more diverse set of habitats. Tigrigobius gemmatus is reported from chiton burrows in red coralline algae at shallow depths (generally less than 1m); T. pallens is found at the base of small heads (10 – 30 cm) of Montastrea and Siderastrea corals (Taylor and Van Tassell 2002); T. dilepis, T. macrodon, T. saucrus, and T. zebrella are generally found in association with coral heads; and T. multifasciatus occurs in association with urchins on rocky coasts (pers. obs.). All species are small, reaching maximum sizes of 3 – 4.6 cm SL. Th ey are brightly colored with reds, browns, blues, and yellows arranged in spots, bars, or stripes in varying combinations (Fig. 2.1.1M, N, O, Table 2.1.2).