HEINSIUS, ANTHONIE (1641-1720). See Biographical Regis ter, vol. 3, p. 485. Literature: DE JONGSTE & VEENEN DAAL, Anthonie Heinsius; VEEN ENDAAL, Correspondentie.

KEPLER, JOHANNES (1571-1630). German astronomer and natural philosopher. His fame rests especi ally on his three astronomical laws. The most revolutio nary was the idea that the planets describe elliptical orbits around the Sun, and that the Sun is at one of the foci. Literature: DSB, vol. 7, pp. 289-312; Martens, Kepler's Phi losophy; NDB, vol. 11, pp. 494-508; NDSB, vol. 4, pp. 105-109; Voelckel, Johan nes Kepler.