According to Nostega, five modules are applied in order to implement a successful steganographic system. e first is to determine a particular field (domain) that can be employed to achieve the steganographic goal. For Graphstega, this module is concerned with the selection of a suitable subject for which a graph-cover is to be generated. e second module identifies steganographic parameters (steganographic carriers) that are capable of concealing data without creating noise. Graphstega

exploits representational data such as numerical and non-numerical values that can be easily plotted. In the third module, the message is encoded in a way that neither raises suspicions nor constrains the generation of the steganographic cover. Graphstega employs either authenticated data or untraceable data (private data). Fourth, if there are contemporary non-steganographic tools that can be employed to generate the steganographic cover in such way to appear legitimate and innocent, then such tools should be used. In Graphstega, a graph cover is generated using non-steganographical tools such as MS Excel. Finally, the fifth module is the communications protocol, which is concerned with how a sender and a recipient communicate covertly. is module includes the establishment of the covert communications channel.