Belle Black is always the positive, or Left player. Wright White is the negative, or Right player. On Go diagrams, a line running off the board will connect a stone to life. We call stones connected to such lines immortal, because they can never be killed or captured. We will typically put small black and white markings to indicate an integral number of points we are assigning to the black and white players. These circles might be placed on stones (which could be captured), or on intersections. (No diagrams will have hoshi points — the black dots indicate black points.1) Further, the chilling of a game may be indicated by shading and outlining the region. So,

= *

Since one white stone may be captured, the game tree is {2|0}. Now, the black dot indicates black has already been allotted one point for the region, so subtracting that point out leaves G = {1|—1}. Some arithmetic on games yields that G cooled by 1 is *, and in fact, {1|—1} = / * .