Active surfaces can manipulate (i.e., translate, rotate) one or more parts in the plane by “displaying” arbi­ trary forces at a number of points. Many designs have been proposed based on a massively-parallel array of mi­ croactuators. For such “pixel-oriented” devices, a large density of microactuators per unit area is required for acceptable force field programmability; the large num­ ber and small size of moving parts renders these devices difficult to fabricate, test, and maintain. Here we take a minimalist approach and look for a mechanically sim­ pler, sturdier design, which retains the same manipu­ lation dexterity. Surprisingly, we show that a rigid flat plate is just such a device. Namely, a closed, horizon­ tal motion of the plate can be computed which yields arbitrary frictional forces (averaged over the motion) at one or more points, so that one or more parts can be translated and/or rotated simultaneously and inde­ pendently. Analysis for both part feeding and part ma­ nipulation cases, along with dynamic simulation and experimental results with a prototype of the device are included.