The first main result of this paper is a novel non-uniform approximation method for the kinody­ namic motion-planning problem. The kinodynamic motion-planning problem is to compute a collision-free, minimum-time trajectory for a robot whose acceler­ ations and velocities are constrained. Previous ap­ proximation methods are all based on a uniform dis­ cretization in time space. On the contrary, our method employs a non-uniform discretization in configuration space (thus also a non-uniform one in time space). Compared to the previously best algorithm of Don­ ald and Xavier, the running time of our algorithm reduces in terms of 1/e, roughly from 0 ( ( l /e ) 6^ 1) to 0 ( ( l /e )Ad~2), in computing a trajectory in a ddimensional configuration space, such that the time length of the trajectory is within a factor of (1 + e) of the optimal. More importantly, our algorithm is able to take advantage of the obstacle arrangement, and is ex­ pected to perform much better than the analytical result in many cases when the obstacles are sparse or when the obstacles are unevenly distributed. This is because our non-uniform discretization has the property that it is coarser in regions that are farther away from all ob­ stacles. So for the above mentioned situations, the total number of discretized grids will be significantly smaller.