The aim of this study is to evaluate correlation between electromyography (EMG) activities and vehicle dynamics in a real driving condition. One male driver performed a double lane change test at 80 km/h velocity. As dependent variables, EMG signals from anterior temporalis, sternocleidomastoid, upper trapezius, anterior deltoid, pectoralis major sternal head, serratus anterior, biceps brachii, triceps brachii long head, flexor carpi radialis, and extensor carpi radialis and vehicle dynamics of steering wheel angle, steering wheel torque, and lateral acceleration were collected in this study. The results of correlation analyses demonstrated that sternocleidomastoid (r = 0.65) and biceps brachii (r = 0.72) had a significantly high positive correlation with steering wheel angle. A significantly high negative correlation was found between anterior deltoid (r = -0.80) and steering wheel torque, whereas triceps brachii long head (r ≈ -0.78) showed a

significant high negative correlation with all vehicle dynamics variables. Based on this study, driver’s muscle activities reflect vehicle dynamics so that muscle activity could be considered as a reasonable physiological response for vehicle dynamics in real driving conditions.