Dairies are one of the major food processing industries and manufacture different products the world over. ¢is industry generates a large volume of by-products during the processing of milk and manufacture of varied products and consequently encounters the inevitable problems of management/utilization of by-products. A dairy by-product may be defined as a product of commercial value

21.1 Introduction 617 21.2 Valorization of Dairy By-Products: Concepts and

Opportunities 620 21.3 Types of Dairy By-Products 621

21.3.1 Skim Milk 621 21.3.2 Buttermilk 621 21.3.3 Ghee Residue 623 21.3.4 Whey 624 Direct Uses of Whey 627 Indirect Uses of Whey 629

21.4 Conclusions 639 Acknowledgments 640 References 640

produced during the manufacture of a main product. Because of the unique and important nutrients available in them, by-products have to be utilized in a proper manner considering the welfare of humans. ¢e profitability of dairying can be greatly improved by commercially utilizing the by-products and this can be considered as a prerequisite for running the dairy business profitably. With the advancement of dairy technologies, there is much scope for creating newer channels of utilization of by-products arising from processing of different milk products.