Today online support is no longer a big deal. On the Internet there are platforms, communities, mailing lists etc. for every imaginable topic accessible from every country in the world at any time. Among this vast amount of topics health is one of the top-scorer topic. For every disease and ailment there is a place you can go to in the “virtual world.” But not only the range of health related topics are widespread, the same breadth applies for the quality of the provided information and services. Earlier studies about medical technology acceptance revealed that in the context of health and healthcare special demands on technology and technical applications exist that are related to trust, privacy and intimacy (Lahlou et al. 2005; Moturu et al. 2008; Scheermesser et al. 2008; Arning & Ziefle 2009; Ziefle & Schaar 2010; Ziefle & Wilkowska 2010; Ziefle & Schaar 2011).