Role of Imaging Imaging has a role in early detection of abnormality of the endometrium, which may warrant further assessment by hysteroscopy and dilatation and curettage. This may be in the form of abnormal thickening of the endometrial lining on ultrasound, which would then by assessed by a hysteroscopy and once the diagnosis of endometrial cancer is made on biopsy, imaging evaluation by MRI would be required. Imaging would also be able to assess for advanced disease, which might affect the choice of treatment or the surgical approach. If it is demonstrated on imaging that the disease is quite advanced with peritoneal and nodal disease then adjuvant therapy may be indicated. Some patients may require lymph node sampling. These are patients with high-grade tumor, lymphovascular spread, cervical and deep myometrial involvement and adeno-squamous histology. Of these factors imaging is able to assess the depth of myometrial invasion, nodal enlargement and also invasion of the cervix.