Water (H 2 O) is often perceived to be a perfectly ordinary substance because it

is transparent, odorless, tasteless, and ubiquitous. We interact with it all the

time in our everyday lives, and it is, not surprisingly, the most studied material

on earth. Unfortunately, we often erroneously think that the properties of

liquids are those that we ind for liquid water and the changes we see as water

changes to steam or ice as those commonly found among other liquids. These

assumptions are much mistaken as the properties of liquid water are unique,

because it is considerably different from other liquids. Liquid water is the

most extraordinary substance, and life on earth and its probability elsewhere

in the universe cannot have evolved or continue without it. Organisms consist

mostly of liquid water, and this water performs many functions. Therefore

it cannot be considered simply as an inert diluent. It transports, lubricates,

reacts, enables, stabilizes, signals, structures, and partitions. The living

world should be thought of as an equal partnership between the biological

molecules and water where each is required and structured by the other.