The phenomenon of life is a temporal and spatial network of chemical

reactions, which are controlled by genetic information inherited from

generation to generation. The genetic information itself in turn is generated

and transmitted through a series of chemical processes [1]. In each of those

reactions, some characteristic process takes place, which distinguishes

biochemical reactions from ordinary chemical reactions in solutions. These

processes are commonly referred to as “molecular recognition” (MR). For

example, in order for the enzymatic reaction to occur, substrate molecules

should be accommodated irst by the protein in its reaction pocket to form

the so-called enzyme-substrate (ES) complex [2]. MR is extremely selective

and speciic at atomic level. The selectivity and speciicity are the key for

living systems to maintain their life. Imagine what would happen if a calcium-

binding protein binds, say, potassium ion erroneously. In that respect, MR is

an elementary process of the phenomena of life.