In an electron energy loss spectrometry (EELS) experiment in a transmission

electron microscope (TEM), fast electrons (in general 80 to 300 keV) are used

as probe particles. Their kinetic energy corresponds to electron velocities of 50

to 80% of the light velocity. One would expect to see relativistic effects in the

experiment. Surprisingly, apart of the replacement of the electron’s rest mass by

the relativistic mass, the non-relativistic quantum mechanical expressions for the

scattering process hold in the majority of cases.1 The incoming electron is almost

exclusively considered as a plane wave. This fast electron may lose energy via

interactions with the sample. For instrumental reasons, the energy range accessible

is situated between 0 and at most 3000 to 4000 eV, with an energy resolution

of 0.1 to 0.2 eV on a monochromated TEM [Egerton (2009)] and 0.7-0.8 eV on

a conventional instrument with a field emission source. Phonon scattering is

not accessible via EELS since the energy loss is far too small and these events

are detected together with the very intense peak of the elastic scattering; they

are called quasi-elastic. Therefore the events accessible are only electron-electron

scattering events. Such events are referred to as inelastic as the internal energy

of the target is changed. Figure 1.1 shows a schematic diagram of the possible

scattering events together with an EELS spectrum.