A nanometer (nm) is 1x10-9 m; 1000 nm equals 1 µm. Science is the study of the physical world and its manifestations, aimed at discovering ruling principles of the phenomenal world by employing scientifi c methods, especially systematic observation and experiment. (See also: https://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary/ dictionaryhome.aspx.) Engineering is the process of designing and making tools, machines, apparatus, and systems to exploit phenomena for practical human purposes. It translates basic and applied science into technology. Mathematics and predictive models are distinct components of engineering, which is always quantitative. Technology is the study, development, and application of engineered devices, machines, and techniques for manufacturing and productive processes; a method or methodology that applies technical knowledge or tools; and the sum of a society’s or culture’s practical knowledge, especially with reference to its material culture. Technology has to satisfy additional requirements such as utility, usability and safety. (See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technology#cite_note-12.) Medicine is the study and the cycle of diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, prediction, and prevention of diseases. Following up with patients, collecting and evaluating data, and other tasks are also considered part of medicine. The term “medicine” itself could also mean a substance that

promotes healing. Potential sub-categories of medicine may include diagnostics, therapeutics, regenerative medicine, prosthetics, public health, toxicology, point-of-care monitoring, nutrition, medical devices, prosthetics, biomimetics, and bioinformatics. Medical research together with monitoring and follow-up of patients improves our health-related knowledge, which is realized in education and practiced through our public health systems. Knowing the cause and mechanism of an illness may lead to its temporary or permanent prevention. Science, engineering, technology, commercialization, business and society are in a special relationship with each other. Successful new products have to pass the whole sequence from science through business to serve society’s needs. These fi elds are vertically interrelated and embedded in each other (Fig. 1) and are connected by communication and dynamic interactions. Science generates new knowledge, engineering creates new tools, and technology develops processes to manufacture goods. When fundamental business requirements are met, technologies can be commercialized. Standards and appropriate regulations are prerequisites to successful commercialization. Commercialization requires suffi cient scientifi c knowledge (in the form of intellectual property secured by patents) and needs creative engineering, a technology that is competitive on the market; the product must also satisfy society’s needs.