Sex cord-stromal tumour (SCST) originates from the cells in the ovarian matrix which are composed of granulosa cells, theca cells, Sertoli cells, Leydig cells and ibroblasts of stroma origin. Ovarian matrix supports the germ cells and is covered by epithelium. The cells in the matrix originate from the sex cords and mesenchymal of the embryonic gonad. Sex cord-stromal tumour of the ovary has many histological similarities to endometrioid carcinoma. It accounts for 7% of all malignant ovarian tumours and the majority are of low malignant potential (borderline). This tumour affects mainly women younger than 40 years. Many are steroid hormonesproducing tumour, and therefore clinical manifestation is related to endocrinologic abnormalities. Oestrogen-producing tumour (granulosa cell tumour, theca cell and Sertoli cell tumour) may be manifested as the following depending on age:

(a) precocious puberty

(b) menometrorrhagia

( c ) post-menopausal bleeding. Early defeminization and virilization are manifested in

androgen-producing tumour (Sertoli-Leydig cells and steroid cell tumours). Excessive oestrogen production can also be due to peripheral conversion of androgen to oestrogen.