INTRO DUCTION :;-or the last two decades, rapid solidification of metals and alloys has attracted ~reat attention because of the following advantages: (1) the development of new 'unctional properties caused by structural modification, such as the formation of 1onequilibrium phases ; (2) the near-net shape formation of metallic materials in .vhich plastic deformation is very difficult, accompanied by reductions of energy , i me and labor ; and (3) an improvement of mechanical properties caused by de-:reased segregation and the refinement of grain size. Although rapid solidification :an be achieved by various kinds of cooling techniques using solid, liquid , and ~as eou s cool ing media , the shape of rapidly solidified materials is usually limited :o that with at least one small cross-sectional dimension, such as thin sheet, wire , md powder because of the necessity of ach ieving high cooling rates during pro-:essing. Of the rapidly solidified materials in the forms described , continuous alloy .vires with ci rcular cross section have attracted increasing interest as a new type of ~ngi n eering material, owing to their unique functional properties and simplified 'abricating process. This chapter deals with the techniques and dominating factors 'or producing metallic wires with circular cross section directly from the melt , and .vith the alloy systems and morphologies of the resultant wires.