When ions met At the periodic table Of the cosmic theatre, Emeritus Professor Proton of Helios island was the Chair. At the opening Cat session Dr Lithium who became professor On fast track declared “I’m the prime mover of the 21st century” “Note this”-pointing to the Listless nobleman silver Matronly Ms Iodine sighed in sympathy Doctors Natter and Pot-ash Didn’t make any bones about Their bioactivity-Chairman nodded Adding “Of course-I superwise” The Afternoon Aunt session Featured Dr Ms Florina in her Stunning mink acid-proof wear (Even Faraday would blush!) I collude with carbon-you would Realize trie lately-allowing The prime mover function Not to be outdone, our life Saver Prof Oxy fuelled His arguments to conclude “I’m the ultimate solution to pollution” Doctor Chlora gently reminded-“Don’t be too sure and let your Car battery down-not yet” Carbon, zirconium, yttrium And other senior engineers Added cautiously “Dare you forget us Not any skeletons in your cupboard” Even as Prof. Proton Readied to conclude