A computer simulation with the technological inheritance (TI) model for integrated reliability monitoring and maintenance (IRCMM) of manufacturing processes and equipment is applied to provide the necessary realtime information about manufacturing processes and industrial equipment system behavior at a specic instance and over time. This involves how the reliability growth and optimum and degradation conditions of critical hard alloy-coated mating parts behave during manufacturing processes and equipment operations. This is useful for reliability testing, analysis, monitoring, and maintenance of components and systems where realworld concepts are represented by a TI model simulation. The computer simulation with the TI model and computer programs is discussed in this book. This type of simulation model for operations research is a symbolic model that is classied into two main groups, namely, the component quality model, which do not contain the element of probability like linear, nonlinear, and dynamic programming, and the process performance models, which contain the element of probability like queuing theory, stochastic processes, reliability, and simulation techniques. Simulation techniques rely heavily on the element of randomness. This simulation model is used to study real-life systems that do not currently exist. In the case of this book, where one is interested in determining and controlling component reliability, process performance of a manufacturing process and equipment system for various values of its input parameters. The measurements

of reliability coefcient and quality factor as well as process performance factor generation can be very useful in monitoring the part and equipment lifetime and failure characteristics as well as developing intelligent multivariate sensor devices for measuring and monitoring tool wear, workpiece quality, and machining process performance in the decision-making process.