This chapter deals with the evaluation, management, and surgical and other physical revisions of facial scars that are primarily faced by Frederic E. Mohs and dermatological surgeons. Many experts advocate scar massage in the postoperative period to improve surgical scar appearance. There are numerous surgical scar revision techniques with wide ranges of indications. Except in cases of true function-limiting scars, surgical scar revision is best delayed 6–12 months after the original surgery to allow for scar maturation. As the number of various scar revision procedures and tools continues to expand, their differing indications need to be considered by the surgeon. As one of the oldest scar revision technologies still employed today, dermabrasion represents a useful and cost-effective tool. Dermabrasion is most effective on firm, stable skin, such as that of the nose, and should not be performed on the eyelid because of the risk of ocular injury and ectropion from scar contracture.