Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) to Dataset leverages the existing ADO.NET architecture and makes it easier and faster to query the data in the dataset. LINQ to Dataset builds on top of the ADO.NET 2.0 and is a natural candidate for replacing ADO.NET 2.0 in application code. LINQ to Entities is specially used for querying the entity data model (EDM) created by the ADO.NET Entity Framework. ADO.NET exposes a conceptual view of data as objects in the.NET environment using EDM. ADO.NET Entity Framework can be used to build a data access layer in the application. In multilayer applications, the data access layer has the responsibility of interacting with databases for reading, writing, updating, or deleting; extracting information; and translating it in the form of objects that can be further moved across layers such as Business logic or Presentation. ADO.NET Entity Framework significantly improved upon what LINQ to SQL has to offer, especially strengthening the object-relational modeling and multidatabase support capabilities.