Nearly all advances made in processing materials in the fs (< 100 fs) domain have so far been achieved with the use of Ti:Sapphire lasers at a wavelength of 800 nm. For longer pulses (< 1 ps), lasers operating at 1 µm have played an important role. Whereas the latter might be considered for industrial or manufacturing environments, Ti:Sapphire lasers have several disadvantages. With knowledge and expertise in the processing of many different categories of

materials over a wide range of processing parameters, we review the different effects that can be created with ultrafast laser pulses from the viewpoint of the optimum laser performance. Beginning from an understanding of the fundamental processes involved in ultrafast laser-materials interaction, we survey the different effects that can be created, from nanostructuring, to bond-modification, refractive index modification, localized changes in density, microcrystallization, and the various mechanisms involved in ablation, and then discuss the impact of the laser parameters used and the processing optics involved. With a knowledge of the new technologies that will influence the development of tomorrow’s ultrafast lasers, those that are compact, efficient, cost-effective, and deployable in workspace environments, we identify those processing technologies that will be viable first to enter future markets.