States intention to introduce self and confirm patient’s name and date of birth States intention to explain the need for catheterization and the procedure, and to seek the patient’s permission Cleans catheterization trolley Arranges all the equipment required using sterile technique where appropriate States that would normally position patient flat on the bed exposing the groin area Washes hands and puts on sterile gloves Uses one hand to hold the penis with sterile swabs and cleans the penis, using the other hand, with a ‘no touch’ technique Covers the area with sterile towels, leaving the penis exposed States intention to retract the foreskin if one is present Inserts lignocaine gel and states that would normally allow a few minutes for it to work Inserts the catheter correctly, using a sterile technique and negotiating the prostate gland States intention to ensure that urine is draining into a sterile receptacle Inflates the cuff with the correct volume of sterile water for injection Withdraws the catheter until resistance is felt Connects the catheter to the catheter bag States intention to replace the foreskin if one is present States intention to ensure that patient has been re-clothed, and all equipment has been tidied away Records in the medical notes the time of catheter insertion, type and size of catheter inserted, volume of water used to inflate the cuff, and residual volume of urine

Examiner global rating

KEY This is a difficult station to complete in a short period of time, and our only advice is that practice (in your clinical skills centre, with the equipment you are likely to be given in the OSCE) makes perfect!