The exciton Bohr radius in single crystalline silicon (c-Si) is only 4.7 nm due to a relatively large eff ective mass of carriers therein. Consequently, the size criterion for the occurrence of the quantum confinement in c-Si is exceptionally small among the most elemental and compound semiconductors. As the scaling of advanced ultralarge-scale integration (ULSI) devices steadily proceeds along the roadmap, the silicon device technology is coming close to the quantum zone. The motive force for the research and development in the conventional scaling zone concerns power consumption, dynamic response, and information capacity. In contrast, the keyword of silicon technology in the quantum zone is functionality, because the optical, electrical, thermal, chemical, and mechanical properties are wholly modified in nanosilicon. This expands

the technological potential of silicon toward the functional devices with diff erent characteristics from bulk silicon [1]. This chapter reviews recent application studies of nanosilicon beyond the scaling regime.