The first report on a mesenteric cyst was published by an

Italian anatomist in 1507.1 Since then, the origin and

classification of mesenteric and omental cysts has been a

matter of debate. Moynihan attempted in 1897 a differentia-

tion of abdominal cysts on the basis of fluid content.2 Serous

cysts are characterized by a translucent, straw-colored fluid of

low specific gravity. Their chemical composition is similar to

plasma. In contrast, chylous cysts contain an opaque fluid of

high specific gravity, with lipids and fat globules contributing

to the fluid content. Subsequent attempts at a more

appropriate classification of intra-abdominal cysts have

been based on suspected etiology initially proposed by Beahrs

et al. in 1950.3 However, the etiology of many intra-

abdominal cysts is questionable, rendering classifications of

this type of limited clinical usefulness. A more appropriate

classification, based on histologic findings, was proposed in

1987 by Ros et al.4 This differentiation is applicable to all

operative cases and can provide the basis for a more uniform

evaluation of the clinical and pathologic characteristics of

these cysts (Box 57.1).