In subsequent chapters, discussions regarding a number of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques that could not be implemented when nuclear magnetic resonance was rst discovered are presented. Their advent required, for example, strong magnetic elds and/or cryoprobes to accommodate limited sample availability. Pulsed eld gradients (PFGs) have improved solvent suppression, have enabled ef- cient selective excitation, and have made accessible a different time range to diffusion coefcient measurement. Such developments have, of course, been made in parallel with increasing access to powerful computers and sophisticated software, permitting speedy processing and analysis of the various types and sizes of acquired data sets. Instrumental and software developments in the past 30 to 40 years have meant that NMR spectroscopy is now used in a wide range of scenarios. Synthetic chemists use NMR to elucidate structures of small molecules. It is employed in pharmaceutical industries for structure elucidation and drug development and screening (Chapter 3, Section 7.1). Biochemistry and biotechnology sectors utilise NMR to probe solution structures and functions of biological polymers (Chapter 7), and it is increasingly used in biomedicine (in particular, biomarker discovery; Chapter 6) for the analysis of complex matrices. Materials science (both soft and hard matters) is another application area in which solution and solid-state NMR has proved extremely valuable. While not an exhaustive list of applications, this is an illustration of the breadth of science that has benetted from this analytical technique. Irrespective of technical

1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................1 1.2 Nuclear Magnetisation ......................................................................................2