This section contains the author’s reminiscences of meetings in

Va¨xjo¨, philosophical and historical remarks on views of Hertz,

Boltzmann, Planck, Einstein, Bohr, Schro¨dinger, Fock, von Neumann,

de Broglie, Kolmogorov, von Mises, Lamb and Scully, Lande, Bohm

and Hiley, Mackey, Marshall and Brafford, Klyshko, Vorob’jev, Boyer,

de la Pena and Cetto, Emch, Cole, Ballentine, Mermin, Gudder, Lahti,

Ozawa, Vidman, Peres, Ohya, Accardi, Gill, Larsson, Fuchs, Plotnitsky,

Zeilinger, Genovese, Jaeger, Hardy, Zurek, D’ Ariano, Aspect, Rauch,

Weihs, Volovich, Belavkin, Ozawa, De Muynck, De Baere, Elitzur,

Peres, Nieuwenhuizen, Greenberger, Migdal, Polyakov, Hess and

Philipp, ‘t Hooft, Adenier, De Raedt, . . . This section may be of

interest to some readers as it contains details of history of quantum

foundations; or the reader can jump directly to Section 1.2, which

contains a short introduction to my “beyond quantum model”—

prequantum classical statistical field theory (PCSFT).