Mahmoud I. Hussein,a Michael J. Frazier,a

The fields of micromechanics and nanomechanics are concerned

with the fine-scale mechanical behavior of materials. A micro-

or nanoscale point of view allows for a more refined treatment

of the material constituent behavior compared with traditional

macroscale approaches. In this chapter, we will focus on a special

type of materials, referred to as phononic materials, whereby the microdynamical behavior (or similarly, the nanodynamical behavior) can be tailored with remarkable precision. In doing so, we are

able to alter the constitutive material behavior not only under

static loading conditions as in other branches of micro-(and nano-)

mechanics but also under low-and high-frequency dynamic loading

conditions. This direct exposure, and access, to the inherent

dynamical properties of materials has vigorously chartered a new

direction in the entire field of mechanics, at a multitude of scales,

and has already begun to impact numerous applications ranging

from vibration control [1, 2], through subwavelength sound focusing

[3, 4] and cloaking [5, 6], to reducing the thermal conductivity of

semiconductors [7, 8] (a discussion of applications and references is

provided in Refs. [9] and [10], and a recent special journal issue on

the topic assembles some of the latest advances in the field [11].)

In this chapter, we present the basic theory of wave propagation

in phononic materials focusing, for ease of exposition, on one-

dimensional (1D) layered rod models. First we provide a back-

ground on the topic followed by an overview of the transfer matrix

method, in conjunction with Bloch’s theorem, for the exact analytical treatment of simple 1D phononic materials. In Section 1.2, we

limit our attention to linear, conservative elastic media and an

analysis based on the assumption of infinitesimal deformation. We

then provide a detailed treatment of damping (Section 1.3) and

geometric nonlinearity, i.e., finite deformation (Section 1.4). For each

case, we start by examining the wave propagation characteristics

in a homogenous medium (which is later used to represent the

motion characteristics in a single layer of a periodically layered 1D

phononic material), and then we extend our analysis to the overall

1D phononic material. As in the undamped problem, the treatment

we present for the inclusion of damping is based on an exact

analytical derivation. For the more complex nonlinear problem,

however, we present a linearized approximate solution. Upon

completing the derivations for each of the damped and nonlinear

cases, we investigate the effects of damping and nonlinearity on the

wave motion characteristics as a function of, respectively, damping

intensity and amplitude of motion.