The first is called the Schwarz inequality and the second is the parallelogram law. The space L2(0), where n is an open subset of Rn, is an example of a Hilbert space in which the inner product of any two functions f and g is defined by

A linear functional T on the Hilbert space iJC is continuous if and only if

IT(<!>JI "M 11<1>11· for some positive constant M. In the dual space i/C' we define the nonn

However the second dual of 'Je, 'J(" = (iJe')'


and the norm of~ E H"'(O) by



11<1>11~., ~ ~ lla"<i>lll mE N0 (5.6) 1<>1"'"'

generates the Banach spaces H"'.P(O) (see Exercises 5.1 and 5.2). H"'.P(O) is a Hilbert space only when p = 2, and we shall only be concerned with this case. Consequently H"'·2(0) has been abbreviated to H"'(O).