Remediation and rehabilitation of contaminated land require several critical decisions. Various factors, problems, and conditions need to be considered. However, these are not always easy to define or characterize. The various issues and problems that need consideration are all tied into the following sets of concern:

For the purpose of treatment of the subject of

pollutant removal

we will define


to mean the removal of contaminants (pollutants and non-pollutants) — with no particular reference to whether this means partial or complete removal of the contaminants. Where necessary, the term

complete decontamination

will be used to indicate complete removal of contaminants. We have shown the overall nature of the problem previously in Figure 1.12. All

the factors stated above and the specific points noted in Figure 1.12 need to be considered. They do not, however, necessarily need to be considered in equal terms or proportions before reaching the decision point that (a) dictates or limits the type of level of land use attainable as the rehabilitation process, or (b) specifies the land use and thus establishes the requirements and technologies for site decontamination. The basic points identified in Figure 7.1 integrate the major items shown in Figure 1.12. These points refer to the requirements for a knowledge of the various bonding mechanisms and processes which bond the pollutants to the soil fractions. A knowledge of the nature of the bonding mechanisms established between the

contaminants and the soil fractions is considered to be essential if we are to determine the various parameters prominent in the control of the persistence and fate of the contaminants, as seen in the previous chapters. This knowledge is also considered to be necessary for development or structuring of the decontamination (remediation) process. A good working knowledge of these mechanisms and processes would permit us to determine the most effective treatment procedure for release of the pollutants. This will allow for structuring of the required technology for removal of the released pollutants from the contaminated site.