As we have repeatedly em phasized th ro u g h o u t this m onograph , severe acute liver failure (SALF) is associated w ith very high m orb id ity and m orta lity and represents one o f the m ost challenging problem s in clinical medicine. Historically, w hen faced w ith complex clinical problem s, the m edical com m unity responded by developing specialized, m ultidisciplinary, focused program s to m anage them . This has resulted in the developm ent o f B urn U nits for m anaging m ajor burns, T raum a Centers for trea ting severely in jured patients and other such specialized Units. The rationale beh ind this strategy has been th a t m anaging these challenging problem s requires a team approach crossing m ultip le discipline boundaries, com m itm en t o f substantial in stitu tional resources, availability o f a w ide patien t referral base and recognition th a t it will result in im proved clinical outcom es.