T ransp lan ta tion o f hepatocytes, in jection o f various hepatocyte extracts and hepatocyte culture supernatants, have been show n to prolong survival in anim als w ith D ,(+)-galactosam ine-induced liver in jury and anim als w ith acute liver ischem ia . 1' 3 H epatocyte tran s­ p lan tation in to the spleen, fat pads, dorsal fascia, lungs, pancreas and portal vein has been carried o u t resulting in partial correction o f specific liver m etabolic defects, i.e., hyperb i­ lirubinem ia due to lack o f U D P-glucuronyl transferase for b ilirub in (G unn rat) and /o r m orphologic dem onstration o f differentiated hepatocytes at various ectopic sites.4' 7 Sev­ eral studies have attem pted to provide a m atrix and solid supports, including biodegradable scaffo lds, fo r tra n sp la n te d h ep a to cy tes to fac ilita te cell en g ra ftm e n t a n d en h an ce neovascularization.