The reason for the late detection of ovarian cancer is that the symptoms are very vague in the primary stages. Many women with early-stage cancer of the ovary do not report any symptoms at all. Early symptoms can include pain in the lower abdomen or side, and/or a bloated, full feeling in the abdomen. Once the cancer has grown out of the ovary, it can cause symptoms from the tumor growing anywhere in the area between the hip bones (the pelvis). This can cause lower tummy (abdominal) pain, back pain, passing urine more often than usual, constipation, pain during sex, or a swollen abdomen. Women may also have irregular periods or bleeding after the menopause. Advanced ovarian cancer can cause even more symptoms because the cancer has spread into the abdomen or elsewhere in the body. These can include a loss of appetite, feeling or being sick, constipation, tiredness, shortness of breath, or a noticeable swelling of the abdomen [4-6].