When I took a first glance at Bell’s paper, I got the impression that

all of Bell’s statements were mathematically straightforward and

simply true for numbers and, therefore, a mathematically proven

truth, a theorem for numbers, just as Tony’s equation was. Both

Walter and I could not see why this theorem could be applied to

the actual experiments. I realized that it would be a lot of work

to understand the physical significance of Bell’s ideas, and I first had

to convincemyself that it was reallyworthwhile.What I askedmyself

was whether Bell’s ideas had any consequences for engineering

and technology and not just for the esoteric questions related to

the battle between Einstein and Bohr. While I still was fond of my

childhood dream to make a contribution in mathematical physics, I

had worked too long in areas of applied physics and engineering to

attack a problem that had no applications in the foreseeable future.