This survey reviews com m on diseases and pests of the fiber hemp plant, Cannabis sativa L. This species is also a source of m arijuana and hashish (along with Cannabis indica and Cannabis afghanica), but drug crop plants are not the subject of this survey. Drug crops share many problems with fiber crops, but the two crops also have different problems. This difference is partially due to genetic variations. The fiber biotype produces large, long stalks, which become very attractive to stalk-boring insects and stalk-canker fungi. The drug biotype pro­ duces large flowers, which become very attractive to budworms and gray mold. Rothschild, Rowan, and Fairbaim (1977) found moths easily distinguished between plants with high-and low-THC levels. M cPartland (1992) reported different disease prevalences between fi­ ber and drug Cannabis. Noviello et al. (1990) found that fiber cultivars are more resistant to the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cannabis than drug plants. Part of this difference in resistance was genetic.