Typically, in actual engineering problems we w i l l have both more input variables and more fuzzy sets (linguistic terms) for each variable. In such a situa­ tion there w i l l be NR = nFSj* nFS2* ... * nFSu rules, where nFSi represents the number o f fuzzy sets for z-th input variable xh and u is the number o f input variables. For example, when there are three (u = 3) inputs wi th 2, 3 and 5 fiizzy sets respec­ tively, there w i l l be NR = 2*3*5 = 30 rules. During the operation o f the fuzzy model, more rules w i l l generally be active simultaneously. Note that all the rules make a union o f rules. In other words, the rules are implici t ly connected by an OR operator.