The structure o f both networks is the same in the sense that both have just

one hidden layer, and that in both networks the connections between the input and

the hidden layer are fixed and not the subject o f learning. The subjects o f learning

are the connections w or r between the hidden layer and the output layer, respec-

tively. I t should be stressed that the seemingly second hidden layer in Fuzzy (or

Soft RBF) network is not an additional hidden layer, but the normalization part o f

the only hidden layer. Due to this normalization the sum o f the outputs from the

hidden layer in Soft RBF is equal to one, i.e., S oiF = 1. This is not the case in clas-

sical RBF. (The meaning o f the words "soft" and "normalization" are explained


The equality o f these two approximation schemes is obvious i f (28) and (34)

are compared. The only difference is that in the so-called fuzzy approximation the

output value from the H L y is "normalized. " The word normalized in quotation

marks is used because y is calculated using the normalized output signals oiF in

Figure 33 from the neurons whose sum is equal to 1. This is not the case wi th

standard RBF network. The fuzzy approximation, due to the effect o f "normaliza-

t ion," is doing some kind o f soft approximation wi th the approximating function

always going through the middle point between the two training data. In analogy

with the "softmax" function introduced into neural network community for the

sigmoidal type o f activation functions by John Bridle in [14], we name the fuzzy

approximation as a soft RBF approximation scheme.