There are many open questions in the adaptive control o f nonlinear time

variant processes. A l l important questions from linear domain are present here

(dual character o f adaptive controller, identifiability, persistency o f excitation

etc.). One specific question in a nonlinear domain is the choice o f the input signals

for the pretraining phase. The standard binary signals used in linear systems identi­

fication are not good enough. During the pretraining, the whole region o f plant

operation should be covered and the best choice would be to use the uniformly

distributed random signals. (See in Figures 49 to 51 (right graphs) which parts o f

the plant dynamics surface are properly covered by using three different desired

s igna l s^ . ) Unfortunately, we cannot go into these important details here. Instead,

we w i l l show a few more simulation results o f the A B C when controlling a non­

monotonic nonlinear plant. In this way the reader w i l l be able to understand at

least a part o f the important properties and specific features o f the N N based con­

trol o f the nonlinear dynamic systems.