Property LPS038 LPH042 Tensile strength, Mpa

Transverse 1.4 In-plane 66 26

Tensile modulus, Mpa In-plane 6679 2524

Comprehensive modulus, Mpa Transverse 814 407 In-plane 9310 2193

Comprehensive failure strain, % Transverse 51 40.4 In-plane 1 1.01

Thermal conductivity, W m - 1 K _ 1 Transverse 0.07 — In-plane 0.23 —

Thermal linear expansion coefficient, °CTl

149 x 10"6 185 x 10"6 Transverse In-plane 13.1 x 10"6 4 x 10"6

Glass transition temperature Deflection temperature, °C Density, kg m , sealed (unsealed)

90 138 77

893 (1449) 900 (-) Ash content, % 2.7-3.1 —

brushed away. Then a glass-bead blaster is used to remove any excess powder. Finally, i f required, the part is l ight ly sanded to improve surface finish.