As weed in kitchen gardens. West. Sib.: TYU-Tb, KU, OM, TO, NO (Novosibirsk town; vicinity of Berdsk), AL-Ba. East. Sib.: IR-An.—Europe, Mediterranean, Asia Minor. Described from Europe.

1. B. sibirica Steven 1851 in Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 24: 582. Perennial 25-80 cm tall plant. Rhizome creeping, stout, black-brown, with

funiform secondary roots. Stem erect, generally singly, covered with short subulate hairs. Radical leaves large, on long hairy petiole, half as long as stem. Leaf blades 10-20 cm long and broad, cordate, with broad-emarginate base, hastate-acuminate at tip, pubescent on both surfaces with coarse subulate hairs. Cauline leaves ovate-lanceolate, considerably smaller than radical leaves; lower leaves short-petiolate, upper leaves sessile. Flowers gathered into racemose inflorescence, emerging from axils of upper leaves. Pedicels slender, 8-20 mm long, compactly pubescent with transverse subulate hairs, without bracts at base. Calyx campanulate, deeply (for 3/4) laciniated into linear-subulate 2-3 mm long lobes pubescent along margin. Corolla blue, with whitish appendages on throat, tube 1/3 shorter than limb. Limb flat, laciniated up to throat into obovate orbicular lobes. Appendages obtuse-angled, rather stout, dotted-papillate. Style about 1 mm long, stigma capitate. Nutlets 2.5-3 mm long, hemitropous, with sharp tip and longitudinal thick high folds (ribs). Plate XVI (12).