As noted by Mo (1991), the plesiomorphic condition for Siluriformes is that in which the proximal radials of the pectoral fin are not fused [State 0] (Mo, 1991). In Leptoglanis and Zaireichthys the proximal radials are completely fused along their length [State 1]. — CS-0: Proximal radials not fused along their length (all genera not

in other CS) — CS-1: Proximal radials completely fused along their length

to other catfish examined [State 0], in which the first proximal radial is a compact and irregularly rounded cartilaginous structure, in the three genera of CS-1 the first radial is markedly elongate and roughly rectangular [State 1]. — CS-0: First proximal radial not markedly elongate (all genera not

Facial Musculature 206. Insertion of adductor mandibulae complex. Plesiomorphically in catfish the

different sections of the adductor mandibulae insert in different regions of the mandible [State 0: e.g. Fig. 3.65], but in Malapterurus all the sections of this muscle are inserted in a smooth, well-developed, almost rectangular surface on the posterodorsal surface of the mandible [State 1]. — CS-0: Adductor mandibulae sections inserting on different locations

of mandible (all genera not in other CS) — CS-1: All sections of adductor mandibulae inserted in smooth, well-

207. Differentiation of adductor mandibulae Al-OST. Contrary to other catfish in which the adductor mandibulae Al-OST is constituted by a single mass of fibres [State 0: e.g. Fig. 3.64], in Amphilius and Paramphilius the hypertrophied Al-OST is differentiated into numerous well-developed sections [State 1: e.g. Fig. 3.6]. — CS-0: Al-OST not differentiated into numerous well-developed

sections (all genera not in other CS) — CS-1: Al-OST differentiated into numerous well-developed sections

208. Origin of adductor mandibulae Al-OST. Plesiomorphically in catfish the adductor mandibulae Al-OST does not originate on the cranial roof (Diogo and Chardon, 2000a) [State 0: e.g. Fig. 3.64], but in genera of CS-1 the Al-OST originates on the dorsal surface of the neurocranium [State 1: e.g. Fig. 3.6]. — CS-0: Al-OST not originating on dorsal surface of neurocranium

(all genera not in other CS) — CS-1: Al-OST originates on dorsal surface of neurocranium

209. Position of adductor mandibulae A2. Contrary to other catfish examined [State 0: e.g. Fig. 3.64], in genera of CS-1 the A2 lies mostly lateral and not mesial to the Al-OST [State 1: e.g. Fig. 3.116]. — CS-0: A2 essentially mesial to Al-OST (all genera not in other CS) — CS-1: A2 essentially lateral to Al-OST (Schilbe, Laides,

adductor mandibulae A2 does not insert directly on the mesial surface of the dentary bone (Diogo and Chardon, 2000a) [State 0: e.g. Fig. 3.65], but such is the case in genera of CS-1 [State 1]. — CS-0: A2 not directly inserted on mesial surface of dentary bone

(all genera not in other CS) — CS-1: A2 directly inserted on mesial surface of dentary bone

211. Relation between adductor mandibulae A2 and dilatator operculi. Contrary to all other catfish examined (Diogo and Vandewalle, 2003) [State 0: e.g. Fig. 3.64], in siluriforms of CS-1 the dilatator operculi are markedly lateral to the adductor mandibulae A2 [State 1: e.g. Fig. 3.88]. — CS-0: Dilatator operculi not markedly lateral to A2 (all genera not

multistate character) (character inspired from Oliveira et al., 2001): Contrary to all other catfish examined [State 0: e.g. Fig. 3.64], in siluriforms of CS-1 the adductor mandibulae A3' is partly mesial, and not lateral to

the levator arcus palatini [State 1], while in siluriforms of CS-2 the A3' is completely mesial to the latter muscle [State 2]. — CS-0: A3' lateral to levator arcus palatini (all genera not in other CS) — CS-1: A3' partly mesial to levator arcus palatini (Neosilurus, Chaca,

213. Differentiation of adductor mandibulae A3'-d (unordered multistate character). Plesiomorphically in catfish the adductor mandibulae A3'-d is constituted by a single mass of fibres [State 0: e.g. Fig. 3.64]. In specimens of genera of CS-1 examined, the A3'-d is differentiated into two subdivisions, w ith the smallest attached to the posterodorsal surface of the coronomeckelian bone and the largest attached to the posterior end of this bone [State 1: e.g. Fig. 3.39]. A different situation is found in those specimens of genera of CS-2, in which the A3'-d is differentiated into a lateral division that inserts by means of a thick tendon in the posterodorsolateral surface of the coronomeckelian and a mesial division that inserts by a thin tendon in the posterodorsomesial margin of this bone [State 2: e.g. Fig. 3.22]. — CS-0: A3'-d not differentiated into two well-developed divisions

(all genera not in other CS) — CS-1: A3'-d differentiated into small and large divisions attached

— ?: Since it was not possible to discern this character due to the poor condition of the specimens examined (Rita) or since it is very difficult to recognise the different sections of the adductor mandibulae since all these sections insert at the same location on the mandible (MalapteruruS

214. Differentiation of adductor mandibulae A3'-v. Plesiomorphically in catfish the adductor mandibulae A3'-v is constituted by a single mass of fibres [State 0: e.g. Fig. 3.64], but in Amphilius and Paramphilius the A3'-v is markedly subdivided into two well-developed divisions [State 1: e.g. Fig. 3.6]. — CS-0: A3'-v not differentiated into two well-developed divisions

(all genera not in other CS)

— CS-1: A3'-v differentiated into small and large divisions attached respectively to posterodorsal and posterior surfaces of coronomeckelian (Amphilius,Paramphilius)

215. Insertion of adductor mandibulae A3" (ordered multistate character). Plesiomorphically in those catfish presenting an adductor mandibulae A3", the insertion of the A3' on the mandible lies lateral to the A3" and the A2 [State 0: e.g. Fig. 3.22]. In the derived condition the A3' lies mesial to the A2 (but lateral to the A3") [State 1], or even mesial to both the A2 and the A3" [State 2]. — CS-0: Insertion of A3' lateral to those of A2 and A3" (all genera not

216. Origin of adductor mandibulae A3" (character inspired from Oliveira et al, 2002). Contrary to other catfish examined [State 0: e.g. Fig. 3.39], in specimens of genera of CS-2 the A3" covers a great part of the dorsolateral margin of the hyomandibulo-metapterygoid [State 1: e.g. Fig. 3.20]. — CS-0: A3" not covering great part of dorsolateral surface of

hyomandibulo-metapterygoid (all genera not in other CS) — CS-1: A3" covering much of dorsolateral surface of hyomandibulo-